(v.) - pounding two drinks of hard alcohol straight to the face (usually Jameson whiskey) at the same time, creating the illusion that you are a walrus with 2 walrus tusks

Walrusing typically leads to immediate sloppyness, belligerent behavior and rediculous antics until the "walruser" inevitably passes the fuck out.

Recently it has grew to be a tradition of certain subgroups within fraternities to require and/or highly encourage new members to participate in walrusing absurd amounts of hard liquor the night they join the group. Current members typically participate in walrusing as well, but not to the same extent as the new members.

Alternatively, "walrus" can be used in its verb form. (see example 2)
1. Theres so much fucking Jameson left! There's like 3 bottles that have to be finsished. It's time to take turns walrusing that shit...

2. You pussies haven't drank hardly anything, step up and pound this Jameson. You better walrus that shit until it's gone!!!
by Wack Adams May 11, 2009
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A sexual act, involving two walrus tusks, peanut butter, and a garden hose. There appears to be a demonstrated potential for vaginal implosion during this act.
Dude, me and your mom were walrusing so hard last night.
by walri April 22, 2010
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A sexual act, preformed during male/female sex; when the male is on top whilst the partners are facing eachother. The male then (optionaly puts pencils in his mouth to simulate tusks) begins to make walrus noises as he slaps the womans tits in a side to side motion.
dude, i was having the best sex ever, but she made me stoop after I began Walrusing her.
by Va-Jay March 8, 2011
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When you proceed to vape with 2 mods and blow fat clouds 😙☁️☁️☁️☁️
Dude did you see, Steven was just walrusing those sweet mods.
by TheFantumMenice November 9, 2014
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Whistling walruses is an exclamation of surprise, happiness or disbelief. The term comes from the walrus tendency to whistle as part of their mating call.
You got the job? Whistling walruses!

Whistling walruses, that was incredible!

Whistling walruses. He actually said that?
by Scottyb June 1, 2020
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The vocalist(s) of any deathcore band. They sound like pigs and walruses being mutilated
"Hey bro, wanna sing the new Job for a Cowboy song with me?"

"sure sounds fun"

"ok here we go"


Random bystander: "sounds like pigs and walruses being slaughtered"
by Stevonies April 12, 2011
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The act of overdoing it in relation to food, booze, or anything that is not healthy.
On my 40th birthday I was walrusing hard and ended up gaining 12 pounds.
by SR Bear March 18, 2019
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