A college student interested in girls that are under 18.
That dude is such a vitaly; he brought those two chicks to the party that were still in high school!
by Johnson999 December 1, 2011
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Vitalis is one of the most eccentric individuals you could meet. Everyday is different with one around. Fun-loving, crazy, and stands out in a crowd.
Who’s that dancing in the quad?
Oh that’s just Vitalis.
Vitalis is amazing
by Huffý February 11, 2020
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It's the shittiest, bottom shelf, go-to liquor that nourishes every college student in America looking to save enough money to afford multiple half-g's a week.
You: What's the cheapest way to get a couple of friends and I fucked up?
Friend: Roundhouse a half-g of Vitali tonight and you should be good to go.
by gx2194 October 16, 2018
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A Vitali is a slang expression that can imply a number of characteristics correlated to an internet personality originally named v1tal1. This legendary poster earned serious e-cred on the sherdog BBS as well as many other notable BBS. Someone called a Vitali is one or more of the following:

1. Excessively Emo (gay-esque, but w/o teh bumsechs)
2. Excessively Brilliant
3. Someone who pretends to be a woman to pwn gnoobs and reinforce the concept of "there are no weemuns on the intraweb".
4. A gimmick loving newb gnutthugger that aspires to be like the original v1tal1.
5. A suspected alter-ego of the real v1tal1

XPosterX--This cat just pwned every knewb on the board
YPosterY--Ya, he's a Vitali
by Wamrage January 4, 2007
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Someone who never stops eating and is going to be a fat ass bitch when hes older, and thinks the earth will burn up if there is no moon, thinks the Russians won WW2
Shut up you stupid vitaly, just because theres no moon doesnt mean there wont be a night time.
by P3C February 22, 2004
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A Vitali is an ex boyfriend of a greek godess named Anika she was one on the most beautiful godesses in all of Greece. She still lives. (Look up Anika)
One day vitali saw a pretty black girl and asked her for her email she gave it to him and he was very happy so they talked and then she said to him; "Wat r u tryna say u stupid w*i*e boy?"
by Anika Paul June 18, 2004
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