Sike or you tought...
Sergio let me eat ya ass... Twanggg
by La Trokita Blanca December 7, 2018
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A derogatory word that juxtaposes "twat" and "minge" = twange. Same meaning as twat, minge, cunt etc
"Most of the people I work with are a bunch of twanges"
by Twange Lover August 5, 2006
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Twang is when the pussy packs a punch. Acidic, loud. Similar to touching your tongue on a 9v battery. Unpleasant . Seasoned by the day.
Bro, she fine but damn that thang had a lil too much twang for me
by I'm Not Frank February 23, 2021
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to be off your face entirely, namely drunk/high/fucked.
last night i was so twanged i thought my sister was hot.
by incriminator-c February 4, 2006
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(noun) Its a sound that goes Twang.

(verb) To make something make the above sound.

(adj) Twangful.
This string makes a twang sound when I twang it.
by Larry Smith-Turner December 1, 2003
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a twitpic of your wang
Congressman Weiner sent a twang to several of his constituents and created a scandal.
by magellan87 June 7, 2011
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Twanged / twanging / Twangage - The art of discretely unclipping a females bra with the click of your finger and thumb in one swift move to create a look of panic on the recipient of the twang. This tends to work best on an attractive work colleague at Christmas parties etc.
I cant believe you twanged me at the party
by SecretSanta2011 December 21, 2011
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