Apparently 'smell', as a verb. I knew a roadie who sometimes included the word in the lines he yelled from the truck at passing girls. This was UK, circa 1975, and the roadie was from the county of Dorset.
"Gie us a snurch of yer knickers"!
by Regibald Trouserbleat February 26, 2010
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An amazing website that looks at the world, one city at a time, with large snarky eyes.
by The Snurch April 24, 2010
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Brother, we must to go to Snurch, to cleanse our mortal Snins...
by JakesGotDefinitions January 12, 2021
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Where you go to worship like a snail at the shrine of their light.
I go to snurch to worship like a snail at the shrine of your light
by im u fucking sadist17 September 3, 2021
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National snurch day is may 15th, a day where we celebrate snesus and the snurch!
“Where’s Kyle?”
“Oh, he’s at home celebrating national snurch day.”
by mercurypies May 26, 2022
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