The act of giving a hand-job without the use of spit or lube.
Bob: "How did it go last night?"
Pete: "Could've gone better. She gave me a Richard Nixon."
Bob: "Oh Shit. So your shit's all raw?"
Pete: "Yep!"
by StevieBones December 29, 2011
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A Richard Nixon is the act of a woman, or a man, kneeling between two men, and reaching over her head to jerk the men off in a manner similar to Richard Nixon's peace sign gestures.
Wow! Look at that! Cindy's giving those guys a Richard Nixon!
by biggshow13 October 12, 2005
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A sexual maneuver during which two women stand naked, side by side. A third person sits on the floor at the feet of the two women, facing the same direction as the them. This person extends his arms out and slightly up, with two fingers in each of the two girls' vaginas. This looks very similar to the "peace" sign Richard Nixon did upon boarding a plane in a that famous video clip.
"Well, we went skinny dipping, and after Amy and Cassie were standing beside the pool getting ready to dry off, I sat down and gave them a Richard Nixon! They loved it."
by Jim D. from PSU October 20, 2006
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Best president ever. Sure he had the watergate scandal but think about it, he did what EVERY president does, except he got caught. The best always get caught. But he was smart, he kept his name clean by resigning instead of being impeached.
To know what Richard Nixon did just check the items in your home...who do you have to thank for all those things made in China...definately NOT Bush!!!
by psycolizard February 11, 2006
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The 37th president of the United State. One of the best presidents who ever lived. Did more in his time in office than any other president.
Wow that was amazing you mmust be Richard Nixon
by Sam Fisher February 25, 2005
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The act of telling somone "bless you" after they sneeze, then immediately slapping them in the face before they get to say thank you.
Tom - *sneeze*
Dave - "Bless you" *slap*
Tom - What's with the Richard Nixon
by cpaul1850 November 12, 2011
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