v. to take a power nap, drink a caffeinated beverage, engage in sexual intercourse, or use any other means to recharge one's energy or the energy of another.
hey man, you look pretty tired. go reboot, i'll take over from here.
by joe February 11, 2005
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The method of kicking the bejesus out of your PC to stop it from being annoying.
by Skeptic One July 24, 2003
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To force oneself to throw up in order to continue drinking.
Man I was feeling pretty bad at the bar last night until I went into the bathroom to reboot.
by Keltac May 14, 2008
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"After too many drinks and a big dinner, Dave couldn't help but to reboot into the trash can."
by maclaren-sf August 31, 2004
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Something Winblows has to do every 5 min. M$FT make a stable secure OS!
Why are frogs windows users?

Ree-Booot Ree-Booot
by dnineplus October 17, 2003
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The day after Patch Tuesday (The second Wednesday of the month in months that don't start with Wednesday). The day you have to reboot your computer for the patch to be installed on your computer.
guy 1: Happy Reboot Wednesday!
guy 2: huh?
guy 1: nvm it's a computer nerd thing
by Straemer September 11, 2007
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