The Swiss maestro possesses an exquisite game, and he can hit winners from all parts of the court to all parts of the court on the opposite side of the net.
by bcee March 31, 2007
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The greatest freestyler in modern day hip hop. See also bone
Maestro laced some mother fuckin tight ryhmes today nigga.
by Scott September 10, 2003
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When you drop a massiv shit and exicidently shit the whole bucket so bad that you not only had to clean the bucket either yourself.
Have you seen the shitter lately? Ronald performed the maestro and ruined the whole bowl and his outfit
by Sgt. Woodcock August 24, 2021
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the ticket guys on trains.comes from ticket master/meister lets you warn ur friend hes a coming
"dude lets run to the end of the train the maestros coming"
by joejoejoejoejoe June 13, 2007
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The person whose passion in life it to teach and show business how to best leverage technology to gain a technical avantage for their business
The IT Maestro implemented a new billing system for our business allowing our staff to focus more on selling new products and services than the billing function.
by The IT Maestro February 4, 2010
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The "Maestro's Conundrum" is an addendum to the Palma Sutra, the ancient vedic discourse on self-pleasure. The Maestro's Conundrum is when you weave your baton through the piano wires while the soloist plays Tchaikovsky.
Mr. Mozart: "For shame Wolfgang, what sounds are those? Are you not in tune?"
Wolfgang: "Why yes father, moreso than you could know."
Piano Teacher: "Fear not Herr Mozart, for young Wolfi has solved the Maestro's Conundrum"
by boatbutter March 26, 2008
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He Is a celebrity singer and multiinstrumentalist.
And by occupational he is a doctor
by S mae November 2, 2020
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