Tana is a guy who’s bout his business who like to make money And play with the hoes out here, but if you cross him , you’ve crossed him , ain’t no coming back to where things were when everything happened. His heart is Colder than Ice, && he try to put up with people and their drama . Tana doesn’t fuck off and usually he’s traumatized . Oh and He always have to be drippen sauce or smoking
A. You seen Tana trippen earlier off the gas.

B. Hell yee I be thinking he a creep he like to stare off into space
by LuhhKillla July 23, 2019
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Tana is the most annoying person, but also the best person you could meet, she is so sweet, but you need to yell at her to get her to listen. She is so very pretty but ugly at the same time. She has grey-ish blue eyes with a freckle on the bottom lid of one, she has thin light brown hair that is somehow always greasy, she has poor vision but refuses to wear glasses even tho she looks good as hell in them, she has an amazing body, but hella down plays it. She is bisexual, and will fight a bitch who asks for a threesome. She probably has a gay best friend who is writing this rn and hopes she doesnt see it and beat the shit outta him.
Tana is so unique the only example is Tana herself
by Poetryhobo September 8, 2019
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Would be a person that good looking and she knows it and can be a complete bitch and she knows that too. She speaks her mind and doesn't care what other people think. She's super smart in the kind of girl that you take home to Mom. She is amazing and can do anything that she puts her mind to she's all about her money loves cars love sports.
Hey look at all those guys drooling over that girl she must be a tana
by Tee2saucey4tv May 15, 2020
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A strange girl, usually greek, hermaphroditic, and into Final Fantasy. Normally, it is a fan of FFVII's Cloud x Tifa character pairing. We USUALLY call this kind of fan a Clito, but because of the extremity of this fandom, we call it a Tana. Tana's are virgins for their whole lives.
"Don't talk to that girl, Tom, she's a Tana."
by blessingmoon6 November 14, 2006
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A blonde dumbass girl who says the word cunt for a living. Has hair extensions down to their ass and spends 60% or their life talking to their best friend. Tana is a selfish, annoying, cock sucker, who should go to hell and take her fake ass hair extensions with her.
Friend: Hey Tana do you like my new haircut?

Tana Thoughts: ew that haircut is so ugly
by Tanasucks August 4, 2017
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A thot that wont take anything serious ever, even if you like her she wont care about you and if she does she'll move to a next boy and forget about the last. trust me she is a THOT.
by THEXKINGXJAMES May 23, 2018
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THE most beautiful girl you could ever meet. Her personality shines whenever you get to meet her. When you meet her she is a little crazy, but the good kind that cant keep you away. She has long, curly brown hair and she is absolutely gorgeous. She is a little shy at first, but that will eventually blow over. Once you meet a girl like her your life will be complete. She is very straight forward while sometimes having no regard for other people’s feelings. But once you really get to know her you will find her to be intelligent, goofy, loyal, and an all around great person. She is waiting on Mr.Right and i KNOW he will come around. Once she finds that one guy that will treat her right and she doesn't have to feel insecure, she will know it's him. Her smile could stop a man right in his tracks and make him see the beauty in the world. Her laugh makes the worst of days seem so much better. You can talk to her for hours and never get the least bit bored. You can tell her your deepest darkest secrets and she won’t tell a soul. The greatest times you’ll ever have in your life will involve her and you just won’t be able to imagine life without her. You could probably be around her your whole life and always have a brighter day.
Guy #1: Damn she’s hot!
Guy #2: Yea, she’s such a Tanae !!!
by namemeaningsubdny April 8, 2019
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