blonde hair, green eyes, Texas native, beautiful beyond words, amazingly intelligent, definitely not a crack hoe abortion loving cum guzzling person
Stina is by far the most amazing person in the world.
by Eric June 20, 2003
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1: a greeting that can turn into something out of the ordinary.
2: greeting that can turn for the worst.
3: Unusual, eccentric.
DUDE 1: hey man what's crackalackin'?
DUDE 2: not much, what's shakin' bacon?
DUDE 1: not much, can't complain, can't complain. what's that in your hand there man?
DUDE 1: holy sh*** this is a STINA! I don't wanna die!
DUDE 2: well you should have thought about that before you---


DUDE 2: Oh dude, that was...

by modanese April 29, 2009
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Stina is a monster who farts uncontrollably and has claws that smell of hummus. Stina normally bites the heads off males after fornication. Nice ass though.
Watch out for that Stina under your bed!
by BlackDaddie October 17, 2018
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stina is an norwegian name. people who are named stina tend to think that they are kings. but they'r not!! they also use to go to karate. so whatch out, dont say something against her. she may use har karate skills and trick you to fall down the stairs!
ooo shit, a stina! whatch out for that stair!
by westwestcoast August 25, 2011
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someone who loves her pooh bear a lot!
Tigger loves Pooh Bear with ALL of her heart!
by Tigger April 20, 2004
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Stina is a stank-ass vagina. The word STank along with vaGINA = STINA.
First guy: Yo Jones, you seen Jessica?
Second guy: Seen her? Nah man, I smelt her!!
First guy: She got that stina?
Second guy: Man, the only thing that smells THAT bad is stina!
by Tits McGee II March 3, 2010
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She is our lord and saviour, Jesus Christ. She is a 5ft 1 machine who is better than Derek.
by 123456CRKcoolkif April 24, 2021
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