Squat Cobbler: (skwät ka-blēr)

The fetishized act of a man who sits in pie(s). Particular attention is given to the man's clothed/costumed buttocks and the specific "wiggling around" gyrations that are made once the man has sufficiently mounted the pastry.

Squat cobbling and it's variants are designed to titillate the senses and are often stored on various forms of digital media. Specialist squat cobblers, such as "crybaby squat cobblers", (a male who sits in pie while crying like a baby) are rare but in very high demand amongst pie sitting hobbyists.

(Squat cobbler videos will always feature a fully clothed or costumed man, who's pie sitting and wiggling of the buttocks will always be performed within all legal boundaries.)

AKA: "Hoboken Squat Cobbler", "Boston Cream Splat", "Full Moon Pie" and the oft requested "Dutch Apple Ass"
I stopped going on fullcreamahead.org for watching squat cobbler vids dude... I found a guy who will do custom dutch-apple-ass squat cobbling movies and only accepts baseball cards as payment bro!
by Russell. D.Jimmz March 1, 2016
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A squat cobbler is someone who squats over pies (like apple and rhubarb), and rubs their buttocks over the oven warmed dessert for sexual arousal.
Some specialists opt to cry and sob whilst performing this act.
I would like to partake in Squat Cobbling to get myself off tonight.
Look over there, that man's squat cobbling.

He is a Squat Cobbler.
by Jimmy MacGill April 6, 2016
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A sexual fetish, similar to sploshing/food sitting/cake farts, but specifically with the use of pies.
That dude's a squat cobbler... You know.. he gets off sitting on various pies. Boston cream, Dutch Apple, lemon meringue, if it's a pie he's sitting on it and loving it.
by mediaskate648 April 27, 2016
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Someone who gets a sexual thrill by sitting on pie.
"Sunny thought Bob had a foot fetish, but he turned out to be a squat cobbler guy."
by Manny Petty February 23, 2016
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A Squat Cobbler also known in some areas as a Hoboken Squat Cobbler involves a naked man sitting down on a pie and wiggling around. Crying may or may not be involved. It’s a fetish.
The squat cobbler loved having his picture taken while dressed as a baby.
by Sal T Penuz April 3, 2016
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It's when a man sits in pie and wiggles his penis around wearing a costume. Occasionally the man starts tearing up, therefore it's known as Crybaby Squad.

One might also stumble upon one of these definitions:
Hoboken Squat Cobbler
Full Moon Moon-Pie
Boston Cream Splat
Dutch Apple Ass

(originated by the character of Saul Goodman in a television series "Better Call Saul")
SIMON: Bro, did you hear what Angela caught Patrick doing last night?
ALEX: No, what?
SIMON: He was sitting in a freaking apple pie wiggling his dick in cinnamon while wearing a Power Rangers outfit.
ALEX: Wow, what a squat cobbler, that guy.
by Clarkinator March 13, 2016
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When a man sits in a pie, and wiggles around in it.

Other terms for it are "Full Moon Moon Pie", "Boston Creme Splat", and "Dutch Apple Ass".
"Daniel would make these... well, "fetish videos" for his friend, nothing illegal mind you."
"And what would he do in them?"
"Y'know... squat cobbler. What, you mean to tell me that you're a cop, and you don't know what squat cobbler is?"
by N1nDr0id February 29, 2016
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