Titties in space. Gravity doesn't exist to drag the breasts down, thus creating the perfect rack.
It would be worth it to become an Astronought just to experience Spitties
by Alien Mc Spaceballs July 28, 2009
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The sensation one feels when their mouth begins to salivate and fill with spit, after having had too much to drink. This is then usually followed by vomiting, however some can fight it off. Either way, you'll be spittin'.
Bro #1: "Yo dude, take down that shot!"

Bro #2: "Can't do it man, I've got spitty mouth."
by Red Man July 10, 2012
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An old South Northamptonshire label for the constantly flobbing Prechavolithic species in their younger form.
These excessive phlegm producing, sports labelled (Finmere faux)youths were normally found in herds at standard locations such as bus stops, war memorials and outside Circle K.
They were renowned for taking immense pleasure in squirting spittle through their teeth with the characteristic high pitched noise that was not unlike the noise of a true Rastafarian showing displeasure by sucking his teeth.
This generation were to be role models and some more than likely spawned the next and hideously more evolved? generation of the pond life scourge that has swept this once fine nation.
Are those crickets i can hear, nope, my mistake its just a hoard of spitty kids.
by Shinwigs December 21, 2006
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An eruption of the bowel, usually liquid in nature.
by Minchy August 12, 2010
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When a male who is having sexual intercourse with a female decides to throw a less successful bro a bone by inviting him into the action.
Edison laughed when Ryan was describing what he hadn't eealised was a pity spitty
by Jedly2311 February 2, 2015
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A very small yet powerful hit from a bong, pipe, joint etc. from the looks of it you won’t get too high but sometimes a spitty hit hits back harder than expected. The term is typically used when one has business to attend and does not desire to be too high, or most commonly, when someone has asthma and simply cannot rip without coughing.
Damn I might need to take a spitty hit to get through this homework.

I smoked a bowl with my grandma for the first time the other day, she took a spitty hit and was on the moon!
Regular person: *smoking a bowl*
Friend with asthma: hey can u save me a spitty hit
Regular person: yeah of course
Friend with asthma: *hits bong* *cough cough cough cough cough cough cough cough* *chugs water* *cough* Thanks!
by Cooter check February 16, 2021
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Spitty Spit is the water mouth, or the loose salvia you get when you have drank too much, in too short a period of time.
Yo I kicked those Keystones too quick I got a mad case of the Spitty Spits!
by Roys-First-Boy December 11, 2010
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