One of wakeboarding's most revered maneuvers, invented by Darin Shapiro. The Speedball is a heelside double front flip. Normally done off of the Double Up, the rider rotates twice before landing.
If Shapiro hits the Speedball, kiss this competition goodbye.
by Crew Middle Fork September 26, 2004
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A drink made from a combination of a stimulant (i.e., redbull) with a depressant (i.e., vodka), usually very strong.
"whoa man, I was speedballing at that party last night- I was so out of it!"
by sarah c-s December 9, 2007
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1. A potenially lethal concoction of heroin & cocaine, usually done intraveneously.

2. A potentially lethal but yummy delight of fried pork & BBQ pork from Lemon Arbor in Barbados.
Boy1: Im bored Mom
Mom: Go speedball your way out of boredom.

Boy1: I'm hungry
Girl3: I here at Lemon Arbor speedballing..CAWBLEHH i ain gaw teh you!!!
by TheLolBoss February 22, 2014
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The combination of the narcotic heroin and stimulant cocaine mixed together and injected together in a single shot. When administered IV, the speedball produces the best rush/high in the world of drugs and is the most deadly of procedures as far as getting loaded. Highly addictive. Beyond destructive. Will bring any addict to their knees. It will call you and lure you, lie to you and kill you. Like alcohol and pills as well. This is the worst though. That is why it is the best.
"Man, my habit and tollerance were getting out of control. I was shooting about eight to ten speedballs a day just to stay high and not get sick."
by Martin Throttle June 29, 2006
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To combine cocaine and heroin in one douse, or a drug in it's own that is a combination of cocaine and heroin, so the desired user can take it at once. Some have termed it a more organized version of speed, which is why it is called "speedball", because it's been packed together organized, with actual care, like it takes care to make a ball.
Most people prefer Speed to Speedball, unless they mistake them."
by Bowman June 17, 2002
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Speedballer (noun) Most elite of paintball players, breed: different. Able to ruin a little kids paintball party in a matter of seconds. Can dominate the paintball field like a virgin in fortnite.
Carter: “Is that a real speedballer?”
Brandon: “Yeah, that’s Pierson alright. He definitely gets pussy!”
by Pube plucker December 21, 2020
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A mixture of cocaine and heroin injected into oneself. Killed the legendary John Belushi, R.I.P.
After a night of partying with Robert De Niro and Robin Williams, John Belushi injected a speedball directly into one of his veins. IT KILLED HIM. (True story)
by Stick With Weed February 19, 2007
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