1.A mentally retarded person.
2. Someone with Attention Deficit Disorder.
3. Someone obsessed with Bapes.
4. A moron.
5. Someone with a speech impediment.
6. Someone with a learning disability.
Crank dat "Insert extremely retarded phrase here". Repeat phrase and crank dat Soulja Boy at least three times.
by Timdot October 11, 2007
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A demon sent from hell to destroy hip hop and rap.
Soulja Boy is a demon. F*ck Soulja Boy and his ugly demon face. He and his buddy 50 cent could both go to hell.
by metallkidd93 January 15, 2008
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Another horrible rapper from the dirty south. He's currently contributing to the murder of hip-hop.
An example of one of his half-assed songs:

"I got me some bathing apes
I got I got me some bathing apes
I go I got me some bathing apes
I got I got I got me some bathing apes"

Soulja Boy repeats that like a million times, raps a short and retarded verse, then repeats the above AGAIN.

Seems like any black kid from the South that has an over sized jacket and fake chain around his neck can get a record deal these days.
by Billy The Man October 7, 2007
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A fakeass moron who steals catch phrases from actual famous rappers in hopes of being famous himself. He apparently believes yelling "What’s Hannenin" (which is a catch phrase from Dem Franchise Boyz) about 30 times is a good song, but in reality is just a sad excuse for his inability to create REAL rhymes.
person 1:I want me some Soulja Boy

Person 2:Then i guess u want a bag of shit too?

Soulja Boy:What’s Hannenin What’s Hannenin What’s Hannenin What’s Hannenin What’s Hannenin What’s Hannenin What’s Hannenin What’s Hannenin What’s Hannenin What’s Hannenin

Dem Framcjose Boyz:Get your own damn thing bitch
by Knee-Grow10 May 24, 2007
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Nate Mathews, a 17 year old boy who lives with his mother and father that makes songs that hormone-deafened adolescents love.
Yahh Bitch
Crank Dat
Person 1: crank dat den supaman dat hoe

Person 2: What the fuck are you doin?

Person 1: Im cran'n dat soulja boy biatch

Person 2: No, ur making a dumass of yourself

Person 1: yo' a hata of a tru playa' mayyy'n.

Person 2: You do know he lives with his mom

Person 1: but he crunk bia'

Person he really isnt he sings in one note, has a repetive beat and can barely pronounce a word of english

Person 1: fucking asswipe!

Person 2: ...retard
by Ralph D. September 17, 2007
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Complete and utter faggot who lives with his mom and still sucks her tit. If you listen to this shit, you have no nads and hairy moobs.
dude 1: yo crank dat soulja boy
dude 2: NIGGA fuck you
by cj91 November 24, 2007
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A man without any balls. literaly.
plain and simple.
Shawn: That noob just dropped his suop down that lady's shirt!
Mike: Now the lady kicked him in the balls!
mike: He's...he...he's not doing anything...
by black black pwnermadgigy April 13, 2009
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