a bald dude, someone completely devoid of hair on their head. (used as a description, not necessarily an insult.
Yo, watch out for that snoochie. he's gonna steal your hat!
by Robert Marbury August 3, 2007
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An annoying, 30-something year old women, who has no teeth,no self-esteem,no friends,no life, no talents for playing soccer, bass, or even really being a productive member of society..who also happens to live with HER PARENTS..!!
Snoochy spends most of her time on the FOBR message boards posting meaningless threads about what she WANTS TO DO..or is GOING TO DO, using WAY TOO MANY SMILEYS.
She has a cat named Sadie whom I feel very sorry for, seeing as the cat seems to be her pride and joy..(I'd be kind of fucked in the head if that was me..
imagine that poor thing..all cooped up inside..with her)
(Please note that in the begining everyone feels sorry for Snoochy, but somewhere along the lines you eventually hate her..jee I wonder why?)

A "Snoochy" can also be a type of person that uses way too many smileys and posts meaningless threads about their boring life..

"Pulling a Snooch", is the act of an otherwize normal person acting like "a Snoochy"
Snoochy: "hi guys i was just whining about how i don't have any teeth anymore cause i never flossed or took care of them and i tried to play soccer today but i suck and i don't have cleets and i'm fat i think tomarrow i'll go to walmart and get cleets and then after i'll do some dribbling around my yard with my new soccer ball,and then i'll playbass.. do you think Sadie will be worried and sad if we leave for 5 minutes instead of hovering over her?. :0 ;) :D :) :( :'( :| 8-)"
by Tham(510) April 13, 2007
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a word commonly said by jay of jay and silent bob flicks it could be used in many ways as a greeting, a fare well, or just a flat out fuck you.
by chindra August 12, 2008
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catch phrase from bluntman and chronic, introduced in jay and silent bob movies such as "clerks", "jay and silent bob strike back", "dogma", and some other awesome movies..snoochie boochies doesn't mean just kidding dont hurt me, that is SNOOGINS
"Snoochie Boochies doesn't really mean anything, just a catch phrase".
by J&SB#1fan November 18, 2004
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A word used in the movies,Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back,Dogma,Clerks, Clerks 2, Chasing Amy, and Mall Rats. Jay uses the term as a catch phrase from the comic Bluntman and Chronic, which is based on Jay and Silent Bob. Jay uses the phrase in almost every feature that he's in with Silent Bob. Snoochie Boochies doesn't really have a meaning. You can just say the term for no reason, out of no where.
"Hey man, there's a big party tonight." Tyreke says.
"Where's it at?" Jason says.
"Snoochie Boochies!" Joey says.
They all start to laugh.
by J&SBmovies June 20, 2007
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When something cool happens/will happen
Lets smoke some weed. Snoochie Boochies!
by Chief Snoogins July 20, 2003
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