-a girl who drinks large amounts of semen on a regurlar basis

-a girl obssessed with having her belly filled with cum

amy felt like such a cumslut as she rubbed her bulging semen filled tummy
by amy September 24, 2003
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A girl who enjoys recieving large amounts of semen poured upon her body, or injesting said semen. Usually works for www.cumonherface.com see also Bukkake
Wow, my puny ejaculation couldn't fulfill that cumslut of a mother of yours
by Dog of War March 19, 2005
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A person who loves cum. Note that a cum slut may love other peoples’ cum or their own, or both. They just can’t get enough cum or cumming. A cum slut can be any sex, gender, sexual orientation, or religion, however not much is known about Zoroastrian cum sluts.
Dude, Jordan is such a cum slut. If they are not licking cum off someone’s genitals then doggone it, they are producing cum on their own, just to bring more cum into this world. Thus Came Zarathustra.
by renbag March 26, 2023
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a horny female that wants to eat a mans cum
"do you want me to cum on your face you cum slut"
by improinschool September 8, 2020
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can you picture your favorite girl who likes to smile and suck down cum? I'll bet you can. That is the perfect example of a cum slut. Or to put it as that other guy : dat slut dat lahks tuh guzzle da cum ahl day!
Monica Lawinski
by Gorilla April 22, 2004
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a fucking hoe dat loves to slurp down semen, good at giving blow jobs and hella horny for dat kind of shit
dat bitch blew me and slurped my shit down like it was milk...shes a fucking cum slut man
by dadouf January 11, 2002
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