To be highly intoxicated from the effects of alcohol.
I was so fucking slapped last night, that Jack kicked my ass.
by Matthew Whitaker May 15, 2005
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Origin: West Coast of the United States

Background: The term derives from the process during love making in which your testicular sack creates contact with anus cheeks making a continuous slapping sound signifying that you are getting the most out of your pumps and doing an outstanding job laying pipe.

Meanings: Very Good, Hard Hitting, Great, Top Notch
This Song Slaps!

After one trip around the race track I can concur that this motorcycle slaps.
by ProperOrigins February 11, 2019
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1) Something that is hype

2) When a lot of people are some were acting crazy
- that party last night slapped hard as fuck
- 1st lunch slapped
by ej9595 February 19, 2011
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Slap is tight music, somthing you can go dumb to.

Slap is what a pimp says to a hoes face when she shows up funny wit the ends.

Slap is Having 10s 12s or 15s in your trunk nocking while your driving,
making you trunk raddle.

This word is from th BAY AREA, California. Where we do the Dam' thing. YaDidiMean....

and for all you fake white boys quit trying to be black, bitch ass marks....
Man this song is the slap.

Hoe Wheres my money, "!SLAP!".

Nigga My car got dumb ass Slap.
by PIMP PIMP July 12, 2004
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The sound that occurs when being slapped across the face by a big penis. Usually the head of the person being exposed to the slap slap will move from right to left during this procedure.
His penis was so big that I could literally hear a "slap slap" while he was hitting my face with it.
by _crush_ August 17, 2009
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saying that something was hype, rocking, or excited. Lots of fun.
The party last night slaped to hard.
We went to Dj Q89 party last week, it was slapping.
I hope the carnival slap this summer.
by daskeewords March 17, 2011
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The process of putting a pinch of chewing tobacco into ones mouth.
Guy #1 "dude, let's get going, we're gonna miss it."
Guy #2 "hang on yo, I gotta slap in quick."

by Andrew0983 December 20, 2007
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