

1. A feeling or showing admiration or respect for another without any probable or rational reason other than being a simp for everything that person does. Usually seen in a man who foolishly overvalues and defers to a woman, putting her on a pedestal.
“He was very simpressed with how she handled that conflict with her friends.”
by myparty October 14, 2020
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I’ve been dating for a while, and nothing has happened between us, I think I have simpression
by The guy u can’t see August 6, 2021
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The ability to repress simping for someone. Simp repression.
"I saw him and was like OooOOOo but I have to repress it"
"wow you're really good at simpression"
by Jackie :3 April 21, 2021
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A simp so notorious, she holds status above that of Simp Queen, more of an Empress...a Simpress
This girl will do ANYTHING, she's such a Simpress
by Urbano1 September 12, 2020
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one guy makes love on one girl and automatically hate all the others, that's simpressive
by Deadboydoor517 April 20, 2021
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A word to describe a Mega Simp, a guy who will do anything for any person ever. He constantly puts themselves below anyone.
“Wow it’s Simpressive how much money Alinity still makes!”
by Cock and Ball Man June 19, 2020
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