Mexican surname. Ususally those that have this surname are fairly good at things, but can never win at anything. It is an interesting phenomenon as they never seem to be able to surpass their rivals. They also are not at all adept at controlling blue colored rodents, and in fact such activities have been said to not be their activity, or something to that effect.
Guy 1: Hey man, Robles there is doing pretty good.
Guy 2: Yeah but look at the other guy, Robles is gonna lose, just like always.
by Bruce Miller 90210 May 13, 2009
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a playa who gets way too much attention and decides to attend college. He doesn't like to be flaked on and does pot every once in a while. Also, he likes Todd.
Dude, I'm a robles.
Oh man, my girlfriend just called me a robles, I'm so hot!
Hey, don't call me a robles
by caguy May 4, 2006
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The newest and best game, all will love Robles
Hey, Robles?
Yeah BrO I love that game!!1
by PriceTag YT March 20, 2018
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also known as giblet or a little know it all that gets right up peoples arses and wont come out again
he is sucking so much he such a robl !
by procers123 January 24, 2011
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R.O.B.L - Roll Off Bed Laughing
Dude, I so just ROBL'd at that.
by OnionCloud January 26, 2011
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When you cum on a girls face without asking first
Meredith said her John pulled a Rude Robles this morning on the way to church
by Mimsy042672 March 25, 2017
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Paso Robles (full name: El Paso de Robles) is a city in San Luis Obispo County, California, United States. Paso Robles is the fastest growing city in San Luis Obispo County: Its population at the 2000 census was 24,297; by 2007 this number had risen to 29,297. It is estimated that by 2010 the population will be approximately 32,400, and that it will reach 44,000 by 2025. Located on the Salinas River north of San Luis Obispo, California, the city is known for its hot springs, and for playing host to the California Mid-State Fair. In English, the name means "Oak Pass" or "The Pass of the Oaks."

"where you heading this summer?"
"i'm going to the mid-state faire in Paso Robles."
by G@m€r42 May 25, 2008
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