1. Possesing an abnormally amount of strength given a small size.
2. Being as strong as a mentally retarded person, even though they are not mentally retarded.
3. Mentally retarded people are abnormally strong, so don't mess with them
1. I can't believe little Billy was able to lift up that piano all by himself, he must have retarded strength.

2. I was'nt able to stop Billy from kicking my ass because of his retareded strength.

3. Billy's mother does'nt keep a jack in the car, because Billy has Down's Syndrome. He has enough retarded strength to lift it up so she can change the tire.
by Ba Fangoo November 23, 2009
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n The quality or condition of extreme physical strength.
Dude, that guy's got retard-strength!
by Canajan November 17, 2007
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The legendary attribute of retarded "people" which gives them super human strength. Scientists beleive that since they have no brain they have more muscles. It can be summed up with the simple equation N(normie)- B(brain)= S(strength).
"I'm gonna kick his ass!"

"No man, just let him keep the water melon, he's got retard strength."
by wil begley May 4, 2007
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A person who is different also known as a retard may have the ability to go full hulk when angry this is known as retard strength
Retard 1: Boi what u say about my momma I'm finna bust yo knee caps

Retard 2: Oh no u won't I'll give u a box that'll send u into 2020
Normal person: Oh boi they got retard strength

Retard 1&2:*join together to make the ultimate retard and punch person into next year*
by My lil Peñis April 2, 2018
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The abnormal strength a mild mannered person gets when pushed to the edge of insanity. Similar to 3 stooges Curly listening to Larry play the violin and going nuts.
Did you see Tom go crazy on Bill? That was so unlike him, he must have been so mad he got retard strength and put Bill in the hospital
by formfeeder October 14, 2006
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When people of lower IQ fire up do to their inbuilt animal desires when angered
George Fitzgerald was doing personal exercise with people of low IQ and he angered one. Super retard strength ensued and he was assaulted not only mentally, but physically
by The Learned August 24, 2011
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Freakish strength commonly associated with the mentally ill
Fool, don't change the T Shell. She'll go Mad Retard Strength on you, and then it's all over
by Anonymous August 3, 2003
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