the act of jacking off with your butt buddy until your dick is red then running at each other full speed and slamming into each other groin first
Billy "dude im so sore from last night, me and my butt buddy did the red bull like seven times"

Charley "thats fucked up bro..."
by yuorintothisnotme October 29, 2010
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Blood of gods..Tastes like Oblivion(in a good way...not like what Doc said in an Red vs Blue episode,Liquid Shwartz
"They will all taste oblivion..which tastes just like Red Bull"
by TOC TM OS June 29, 2004
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I woke up this morning after 3 hours of sleep and felt like shit, so I cracked open a can of Red Bull!
by Dandjny3169 February 2, 2010
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Energy drink sold by Red Bull GmbH. One of the most well known energy drinks avaliable.

a can of Red Bull costs $1.03 more then a can of Monster Energy drink , despite being half the size of a can of Monster. some see this as a good thing because less calories are consumed (a can of Monster contains 2-3 servings which amounts to 300-400 calories per can. An entire can of Red Bull contains 110 calories)

Red Bull is frowned upon by some people due to the risks it presents from the high levels of caffeine and ingredients like Taurine-just drink it in moderation and you're fine
Red Bull Gives You Wings

Debbie drank a Red Bull while studying for her History final
by repoed2 January 13, 2009
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Energy drink that tastes like cheap cough medicine. Pretty much ineffective on its own.

However, when mixed with alcohol (Usually Vodka, but I prefer it with Jack Daniels), it really perks you up during a heavy drinking session.
I'll have a Jack Daniels and Red Bull.

(Goes mental)
by Snake August 24, 2005
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Cost more than a Monster, and is only half in size.
by chowman November 5, 2006
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