When a player ditches out of a game because they are extremely frustrated with the games outcome.
Dude, did you just rage quit again?!

Yea man, I can't stand not getting any kills
by Sideboob<cleavage September 4, 2010
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reyj - kwit Verb, rage quit or rage quit·ted, rage quit·ting, Adjective

1. To stop, cease, or discontinue a game due to aggravation from being constantly bested pwned in any type of challenge within the game.

2. To scream wildly whilst mashing the keyboard before slamming it violently into a computer monitor, causing many of the keys to scatter about in an untidy manner after being bested pwned in any type of challenge within the game.

3. To suck so horribly and blame the hardcore fail on everyone else through indeterminable screaming before quitting.
McTrinity has died.


McTrinity has left the game. (Disconnected by user)

by iTragedy February 28, 2010
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when your anger bests you, and your brain is overcome with rage, to quit your game, you whip the controller/handheld/system as hard as you can against the wall.
john's drywall has bits and peices of PS3 embbeded after a hardcore rage quit.
by YoToGyakku September 4, 2011
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(verb) Mostly happens when playing COD while in a party chat. One gets so angry at either the game or the people in ones party chat, that they just quit the game and the party.
Mike: what happened to gibbs?
Tommy: he go so mad he just rage quit the game and left the party chat.
by FezRiv February 11, 2011
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Rage Quit
To part the server or channel maliciously and in a childish manner. Also known as "Doing a Blizzard_Wolf"
Example Rage Quit:-

Blizzard_Wolf : fuck you FiRe
Player Blizzard_Wolf left the game
by FiRe March 15, 2009
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To become frustrated to the point of blacking out with anger and usually throwing an object at something. At which point the person quits the activity and leaves the area. The "rage quitter" immediately feels like a dolt after he calms down.
Gill: Hey man I just killed cap 14 times in a row playing call of duty.

Frank: hahahahaha

Gill: Ya, he snapped shit and left.

Frank: He is notorious for the rage quit.
by FFWOLFE May 21, 2009
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When your playing something and you quit a game cause you get so frustrated.
When you Marvel vs Capcom and cheap mutha fuckas do infinite air combos and do it over and over again. Then you just turn off your whole system so they dont get a win! This is called rage quitting!
by MrMikeHa April 6, 2011
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