a saying used when u feel like kicking someone's ass. usually this person has flopped or abandoned your plans at the last minute every time
pop pop...its mr. flops
by mike james bitch October 14, 2006
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A versatile word. Can be a verb (to pop-pop) or a noun (the act of making pop-pop).

Means sex.

(v.) "I pop-popped that girl over there last night. From behind, obviously, I didn't have a bag on me" (see brown bagger)


(n.) "I had so much pop-pop last night I've forgotten where I live"

by BadgerLord January 21, 2007
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Not your real Grandfather. Pop Pop is what you call the guy banging your grandmother.
You get a birthday card and it's signed "Grandma Whoever and Pop Pop."
by lbab February 4, 2010
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The name of the best dog in the entire universe. He is loyal, loving, smart, respectful and teaching dog. He is always your side kick, and watches your back. In big crowds, he's elusive and hard to keep your eyes on but that's because he's keeping an eye on YOU. No one messes with a Pop pops owner. They would have to go through Pop pop first.
What a great pup to not need a leash! That's so Pop pop.

All I have to do is say, Pop pop a Dee pop pop pop! And here he comes! My little Pop pop!
by GinaDivine21 October 7, 2018
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A threat used when making a gun motion toward someone's head
Shut up or you gonna get hurt, pop pop!!
by wikid pissa May 11, 2003
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A man that has to have the best of todays technology. For instance, he enjoys the Iphone, his Hybrid, and, of course, his Nook. He tends to go to Mcdonalds a lot, and make up random nick names for his family members. For instance-Icky, Sauce, Kami-Bam, Sister, and Kelsey-Bels. He is a man in excellent physical condition because he "works out three times a week". He enjoys seeing Disney movies in the theaters, but Gramma won't let him see scary movies. He is also the great creator of the famous DOTY Awards, which he holds over his daughters heads ALL THE TIME. He has a Twitter account...and a website...look him up.
He is the best Pop-Pop in the world!
Maaaarge? Maaaarge? Maaaarge?
Get your potatoes on.
Are you Lick?
Let's go to McDees.
Sue called.
by sauce123455678 May 9, 2010
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A hint towards a craving for sexual relations with a certain person(s)
by Brady June 10, 2003
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