Prison pussy..usually some faggot ass dude, who will do your laundry, light your smokes and suck your dick while your'e incarcerated.......
''I hit that padussy earlier, for 2 cigarettes I'll let you fuck him bro!''
by the great extender March 16, 2009
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Hey J.B. , but I hit padussy.
by Brian October 27, 2004
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The couple where both parties are known for having pretty genitalia. Pretty pussy and pretty dick.
Their known for their padussy. Honestly though is that all they have?
by The Stephanie January 17, 2022
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The couple where both parties are known for having pretty genitalia. Pretty pussy and pretty dick.
Their known for their padussy. Honestly though is that all they have?
by The Stephanie January 17, 2022
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When A male or female like pussy and dick
Jeffrey and Jasmine like to eat padussy together. They eat a lot of Yanraś padussy.
by TheSMallWenis December 1, 2017
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That after sex smell you smell when you get done fucking. Pussy, ass,Dick All together and you get.. Padussy
This room smells like padussy
by September 9, 2021
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