Sometimes known as "Abu", is a semi-known Arab known for doxing and DDosing other users.
Did you know Jack got doxxed by Lah?”
by AverageHappyHuman April 28, 2022
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Mary Jane, Weed, Grass, Ganja, Pot, Dope, Marijuana
Let's puff some of that Lah!!!
by AC November 28, 2003
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A sook, whinger, crybaby.
Apparently an oft used word in Singapore used when somone is having a cry about something.
"Shut-up and stop crying you sookie-lah-lah"
by menosook! January 5, 2005
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Acronym for “Like A Hoe.”
If we hit a lick on that toy, we both gonna end up in jail lah.
by Shawty_360 June 30, 2018
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An acronym for Lame as Hell. Used as a response to something lame.
A: Dude, we had the final boss down to 1 hp and then it reset on us =(.
B:Dude that is lah.
by sirburpsalot February 23, 2011
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1. unknown beauty made by the hands of god
2. the kewlest dork
3. a good person and fun to chat with
"hey look she is so lah!" hahah(???)
by anonymous June 19, 2003
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