taking the insides of a cigar out and filling it with weed
We Filled The Cigar With Weed Turning It Into A Gotti Otherwise Known As A Godfather
by DeVonTheDucer July 28, 2003
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A man who is specifically good at the trumpet, and david bowie songs...usually has a keen eye for drawing penis.
I just played a gotty solo
by samtheguitarman October 12, 2011
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An acceptionally large blunt, also known as godfather, god body, G.
"yo me and syco rolled a crazy gotti tuesday!"
by Boston December 26, 2005
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a group of guys from north penn high school who go around the halls and karate chop random peoples necks.
random person: OMG u chopped my neck!!
by eriC215 December 7, 2007
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Smoking a nice blunt(cigar filled with mary jane aka cannabis)...IT IS NOT:

1) What that weird "deez nuts" guy says. He says "GOT EM"(Got Them, as in the person)
2) Some weird overly tan "quido-ish" person. Or as another put it "overly tan white trash"
"Man, please tell me you gotti gotti? " or "You wanna hit this gotti?" or "Im on that gotti gotti"
by Sweet~Treat918 June 28, 2018
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(typically an adjective)

when one is excessively vain; to dress or act affluently, anyone or anything that flaunts one's financial status; to have an extravagant taste.

Synonym: ostentatious, flamboyant, flashy, showy, over the top, glitzy, arrogant.
How gotti can you be?

I would never wear anything so gotti.
by boomboom212 April 29, 2010
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