Term used to stir up trouble and create a tension that may not have previously existed.
Rich: "Like my new haricut Vic?"

Vic: "It's definitely different Rich!"

Mart: "Oh shit!"
by Tain London April 3, 2009
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An expression used often by people when they notice they screwed something up. Normally used with the word "Fuck" in the same sentence.
by The iRan February 9, 2009
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An expression of surprise. Like "Oh shit" but more humourous.
bob: Dude - There's a naked chick over there!
jose: Oh shits! I gotta check that out.


Oh shits, I failed all my classes.
by Grammarian February 2, 2006
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A word used to describe a negative situation
One fine summertime Sunday evening
Crenshaw Boulevard was in full swing
Perfect example of how looks can be deceiving
Rolled up to what I thought was a pretty young thing
Rollin in a purple samuri suzuki dookie braids was an aid to her sex appeal
Dude she was dope man real dope on the real
Well anyway I went toot toot she said hey a beep beep
The next day rolled down to the beach, deuce deep
Me and my new Crenshaw cutie
Coolin on the beach and now she's rubbin on my booty
Suck suck suckin on my neck like dracula
But it wasn't all that spectacular
Cuz everytime I tried to touch upon her tay-titty
She would be like quit b
Bitch was frontin but I didn't say nothin
Then all of the sudden after someone pushed the button
I got a funny feeling like something was real wrong
Looked at her shoes and her feets was real long
Then it hit me oh please god no
Don't let this ho turn out to be a john doe
He pulled a fast one on me yo
I guess that's one of those things that make you go: shit!

Oh shit, oh shit, oh shit, oh shit, oh shit, oh shit, oh shit, oh
Oh shit, oh shit, oh shit....
by Starkk September 23, 2013
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Oh shit! The Wings got swept by the Ducks.
by Sabe April 18, 2003
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Phrase used by an EKG monitor technician, to initiate conversation with a registered cardiac nurse, to inform them of a fatal cardiac dysrhythmia. Usually used for ventricular fibrillation or asystole. Phrase may also be used in reply by the RN to the technician.
Tech: "Oh, Shit!" RN: "What's the matter?" Tech: "The patient in room 3014 is showing asystole on the monitor." RN: "Oh, Shit! That's my second flatline this week!"
by Xanfan October 12, 2009
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Two guys are in a truck drunk and driving up a long dirt driveway way to fukin fast, and the driver loses control and the truck goes into the ditch and hits a tree.

Driver: oh shit!!!


by B1GR3D1 July 29, 2008
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