Basically when you're doing something and someone is being nosy on what you're are annoyed them so you tell em straight "hop off my shit"
Person one: *takes the remote and starts hitting it on her head
Person two: "what the heck are you doin?!?!!"
Person one: "none of your bees wax!!! hop off my shit!!! Don't worry about me!!!"
by Karaoke1932 December 9, 2015
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The thing you say when you say oof incorrectly.
off shit... I meant oof.
by . ‍ February 15, 2019
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the ability to cause a stinch so profuse that the possibility of a buzzard being knocked off a shit wagon is actually thought of
His breath could knock a buzzard off a shit wagon.
by JKB March 13, 2004
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a phrase used to describe a powerfully awful smell, or a lingering stench of profound funk.
Good God man, that fart could knock the buzzard off a shit wagon. I think I'm going into olfactory shock.
by MicahtheDangerous December 19, 2011
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something so rank it cannot be described
That kid's b.o. would knock a buzzard off a shit wagon.
by spandex tubetop December 2, 2003
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to smell very bad (often with could, or would)
Damn, the smell of that those gym clothes is enough to knock a buzzard off a shit wagon if you'll pardon my language.
by The Return of Light Joker April 30, 2011
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As can be gathered from the expression, it indicates a state of intense anger and annoyance, so much so that the person making the threat is ready, willing and able to inflict physical pain and degradation upon the person who has annoyed them. While it may not literally result in the removal of the offenders head and defecating into the stump, it will usually result in physical violence and a humbling of the person who caused the offence.
The expression that is believed to have originated with the British Royal Navy. It gradually became used within all branches of the armed forces and later spread to the civilian organisations associated with them before obtaining wider usage.
by AKACroatalin March 19, 2015
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