When you REALLY don’t care about anything/anyone
Toxic little kid: Dude you suck ass at this game. I don’t understand why anyone wants to play with you or even talk to you.
Me: Bro my asshole hurts from taking shits that I don’t give.
Everyone in the voice channel: *laughs*
by Fireguy47 September 25, 2020
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when you need to take a fucking shit but your mind in not working so you "shit i need to take a fuck" - blake earle 2016
"shit i need to take a fuck" friend- "wait wut did u say m8?" u- "sorry need to take a shit i meant br0"
by catchinggold October 5, 2018
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its like when you shit your pants but its not fake its for real
steve: you got a splatter on your pants, what does that mean?
dave: i shitted my pants i am for real
by therealdumpsterfire February 26, 2023
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A quote from a movie called "die hard", meaning: obviously!
Usually used in phone conversations.
Supervisor: Attention, whoever you are. This channel is reserved for emergency calls only...
Detective John McClane: No fucking shit, lady! Do I sound like I'm ordering a pizza?
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That's what you have to say every crabz season! Fuck my actual life, crabz are fucking stupid.
Hym "Aw, shit guys, I guess it's, crabz season. I guess I'll have to go around. The tidal wave of crabz is crossing the fucking street so I guess I'll take a fucking detour. That or I'm the asshole running over crabz. Fuck crabz. They should throw me a fucking parade for running over those little cock-suckers. You're welcome."
by Hym Iam September 23, 2023
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