Murray - verb: the act of farting semen from ones butthole usually after anal intercourse.
My girlfriend murrayed on me yesterday after we got done doing the no pants dance.
by Murray Dan May 1, 2011
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A Murray is a female, usually one of below average breast size who, although outwardly shy, is inwardly a nymphomaniac who loves to sleep with large men of African American Heritage. Moreover, she enjoys getting Abe Lincoln'ed or Candy Caned in bed.
My friend Claire, saw my boy LaKeldrick studying in a library in New Hampshire when she acted in typically Murray fashion until he ended the encounter by candy caning her.
by Tomas Milone January 25, 2007
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“NoNut-November is over gonna give myself a Murray”- Stephen
by SnakeySnake December 1, 2018
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Rides unicorns everywhere with his hair flowing majestically in the wind.
Dude A: Bro is that a unicorn with a guy on it.

Bro A: Yeah dude don't you know Murray, he's got the most voluptuous hair.
by Murraywiththenicehair November 21, 2021
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Best Boy Ever Plays Roblox All Night If He Can.
Wow Murray is Sill Up At
by lemonlover69420 May 12, 2022
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All of the murray's branch off from one murray. The name of this murray is John. He carry's all of the murray traits as all of the other murrays have pieces of him. Nobody ever wants to be a murray as they are smelly, greasy, fat, lazy, and retarded.
by fatkudiballs June 5, 2011
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Sam and Mindy had a great night last night. Such a Murray
by PerezA69 December 2, 2011
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