Another word for pussy, but in a nonubstruct way
Stop being such a mooshy Sam get in the car.
by That girl Ashtin May 22, 2017
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eat two asses while shitting
dude its so mooshy
by hotdad69 March 9, 2020
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Steak that is cooked extremely rare -- almost raw, like sushi. Still moo-ing on the plate.
You call that steak blue-rare? I call it mooshi.
by Treesaw April 10, 2008
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Steak that is cooked extremely rare -- almost raw, like sushi. Still moo-ing on the plate.
You call that steak blue-rare? I call it mooshi.
by Treesaw April 8, 2008
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When one has eaten so many Mushrooms or dropped acid so many times that there brain stops functioning the way they expect it to and they begin hearing things that they would not normally have heard.
1: SO what are we gonna do?
2: I don't know.
1: What?
2: What?
1: Stop saying that
2: Saying what?
1: Mooshy.
2:I'm not saying mooshy.
by Hod March 26, 2008
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A german term translated exactly as pussy, but referring to a little cat, not as in the definition of pussy in english. But by non-native speakers can be used both ways to hide the definition. Also can be used as a reference to a vagina.
Guy 1: Man that guy is such a mooshie!

Guy 2: I know, I hit him right in the mouth and he didn't do anything!
by Mojo186 February 7, 2008
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