my moid popped today it looks like a noodle shasta
by jiggame March 10, 2005
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Short for femoid, of incelian language, which is a made-up word for female to further dehumanise women.
"Did you hear Bob the incel called the substitute teacher a 'moid'?"
by Bob confidant. July 22, 2019
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Short for Spasmoid or Mongaloid

1. A fucking cunt of a being
2. A mong, spaz or retard
Person 1: “could’ve lost my virginity last night to a well fit bird, but I turned her down as I had homework”

Person 2: “You’re such a moid, you had the chance to shag a fittie
by Mal’s Dank Memes Fan boy November 9, 2017
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A person who is being particularly annoying or being an idiot.
by TMJBIKER June 28, 2020
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You absolute idiot, you 'moid'. Moid is to insult someone's intelligence or actions. If someone is a moid they are/have done something incredibly stupid.
Smart person: whats 5x3?
The moid in question: well... I would have to say 18
by Fiofi November 17, 2020
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Moid is known as a discord packer who has "retired" and is now unsmokeable he has taken over the souls of many packers who came in his way he claims to be "unhoeable" and "unfoldable" in the discord packing community
Guy1:Hey moid this dude talking mad shit
Moid:invite lemme flame him
by Unknown42069120 November 5, 2020
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fucking moids are literally incapable of thinking with anything other than their dicks

Ew, she's dating a moid? She should take the flannelpill and date an actual human being
by Sofzz2020 August 8, 2019
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