a sad and pathetic piece of shit. usually, a Mishal would be tall, but he's not fit, and he has a belly. He'll say he's working out, but it's all just lies, and his tits are bigger than any girl's you'll ever see.
"dude he's so fat and ugly. Must be a Mishal"
by cocknballshd1000 April 2, 2022
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wow, you must pray to lord mishal everynight, you still havent touched a woman yet!
by mello333 August 23, 2009
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mishal....not much can be said about this simpleton. Mishal often enjoys his school days chasing others all over the school without realising they are not there! He is stupid enough to think that a certain someone was in love with him coughmelcough. Mishal has also not mastered the art of sellotape and/or blue tack, once being heard to ask a teacher (referring to sellotape) "sir how does this work" and "sir i lost my book then found it yesterday then lost it again".
Mishal often has a habit of doing dumb things in an attempt to impress people and has unfortunate facial disfigurement such as acne that make carl van tonders face look normal and a perennial gormless expression that makes people wonder whether mishal really understands complicated words such as "i" or "and". In short mishal is thick and has the mental age of a pre-conceived foetus (does that make sense?)o well mishals stupid.
"people dont make that retarded face or u may end up looking like mishal"
by melaineeeeeeeeeeeeee April 8, 2005
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A synonym for the word 'gay'
Dude, that guy is so mishal!

I know man, how mishal can someone get?!
by sgsdgdsyrysrtggds August 31, 2010
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Mishale-who is pretty and nice and veryy funny.Theyy can be naughty at times though
It was a mishale
by Lmaooooo54321 December 17, 2017
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Mishal is the most amazing person you will ever meet. Sarcastic, fun-loving, and always ready to make you laugh, Mishal is the perfect person to keep as a best friend. They are absolutely stunning and handsome af and also talented in many aspects.
Mishal is so hot did you see her speedwalking up that hill yesterday?

Man I'd turn gay for a guy named Mishal.
by Yomamagayandimfruityaftoo November 22, 2021
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Long Russian item. Has a crush on his own mother. Lacks the ability to pull bitches. Has a fetish for pissing in women's mouths. Not P at all.
"Ayo, is that Mishal Kazi??"
"Yeah look at that nerd he's not P at all"
by JOLord January 19, 2022
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