A really smart and sarcastic person who's main catchphrase is "ur frickin mental"
Mazi is great at fortnite.
by 69urmomsahoe420 April 16, 2020
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A mixture of Mom, and Nazi

Very controlling mom.
"I can't believe my mom is being such a bitch."
"You mean she's being a Mazi"
by furelais25 October 24, 2009
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1. someone who is racist agains their own race. A very confused young, persian, homo boy.

2. a man who rejects girls of the same race because he wants persian men.
wow i cant belive that guy threw a mazi, thats not cool at all.
by idly65 March 18, 2009
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Oh my god, look at mazi, look at his hunch!!!

Hrhrhr, look at that hunch!
by Christian Ward September 21, 2004
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Mu Mazi was in the building .

I would love to be mu Mazi .

Damn you Mazi
by Mu Mazi October 4, 2023
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Mazie is usually fat and has bipolar depression she like to eat cookie dough and lollipops, not watermelon though. She will usually has many friends but only a few close ones.
“Wow she has so many friends, MUST be a Mazie”
by brooklawn23 October 23, 2019
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