The love of my life and I will always call her mines
Maia ya that's Nate's girl
by Lil difk October 5, 2018
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Maia is a girl who has a great taste in music, and is a good partner for the card game Kemps. She is kind, understanding, and friendly to everyone. She does get lots of unwanted attention from guys, due to her being such a nice person (and attractive on top of that)

Also has the strange ability to recognise people by their hands..
by 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8 October 20, 2011
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Maia is a pretty, smart girl who is confident and good at acting. She's great at making friends and very charismatic.
Ooooo Maia is sooo much better than everyoneeeeeeee
by Alessandra O'Connor January 12, 2018
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An amazing sexy girl that can make any man stumble to his knees. she's extremely hot and would be a girlfriend anyone would die for. She has the best figure and the best sense of humor too. A true friend who anyone should be happy to have around her
"God I wish I was more like Maia"
by Sporty chika December 23, 2016
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Outgoing, actively and energetically fun with friends.
Loves life to its fullest, opening everyones eyes around her to its gleeful shine.
Is a confident and strong willed person that can achieve anything with their mind set to task. Making for a excellent leader.
Loves everyone in a special way.
Having a unique beauty about her, personality and physically wise.
Maia is a perfect girl that there is only one of.

Best friend forever. <3

The girl every guy wants.
by bobhankmin August 19, 2011
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Maia is a smart girl who is always cool and chill. Maias tent to be shy, but they are very strong. They are great friends and really good at monopoly. They live earth nature animals and are really cool. They are like a milkshake they bring ALL the boys to the yard. They like Disneyland and warm (but not hot!) places. Do NOT compliment them or talk to them accesively. You don't have to ask there astrology sign or birthday. Almost all Maias are born in May. Mostly taurases and some geminis. They're so smart. They get 100% on test all the time and are sometimes a little hard on themselves if they do things wrong. They wish they could be bold but sometimes don't have the capability to do it. Literally never ask them to speak up or they will cry or most likely get quieter. But there geniuses. They are a goddess. there's a Maia in Greek mythology and a Maiat in Egyptian mythology. They are really beautiful. They know the answers, but just don't raise there hand. If u wanna date them or be friends with them go to them because they will most definitely NOT go to you. Even if they like you. If you ask them to go out they will almost definitely say yes or definitely say no it depends on the Maia. In conclusions Mauas are really cool and you need one.
Wow, Maia is so cool!

Maia always gets good grades!

Wish I could be Maia :'(

Wow, Maia really knows how to use that iPhone! I should buy her a 6s to upgrade from that 5 year old 4s.
by Maiaiscool March 11, 2016
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An amazing girl with great musical ability. Very friendly and is always loyal to her friends.She sometimes finds herself holding grudges too easily and too forgiving of those who are friends. All in all a great person with a great balance of abilities.
A usually quiet person, Maia finds herself in awkward situations often.

(This is for my best friend Maia S.G-O!)
by Laika Marsh March 1, 2012
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