Do MAGA supporters have rage issues?
by TheKnightWhoSaidIckyIcky November 8, 2022
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A domestic terror group mainly prominent in southern America. The group mainly consists of people who believe the Q-Anon conspiracy and members of the Proud Boys organization, another domestic terror group. MAGA is know for endorsing Donald Trump.
MAGA mounted a coup attempt at the U.S. capitol on January 6, 2021.

MAGA is planning another attack on January 19, 2021.
by certifiedmeatmuncher January 10, 2021
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An American Nazi who betrayed their country by supporting the domestic terrorist Donald J Trump.
The citadel of American democracy was under siege by the rabid MAGA mob.
by Tipsy79 January 11, 2021
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A good way of describing the Trump Administration is MAGA (Morons Are Governing America).
by Dumpatrumpa August 28, 2019
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Archaic meaning: An acronym for Make America Great Again. After it was recognized that,
because of America's xenophobia and genocide, it had never been great, it slowly fell out of usage.
There are 3 new meanings for the acronym MAGA
1. Massacre All Geriatric Americans

2.Maniacal Administration Generates Animosity

3. Manipulate All Gullible Americans

Maniacal Administration Generates Animosity
Used in a sentence:

MAGA killed my grandfather in the COVID19 pandemic because only young people received treatment.
by Siib October 20, 2020
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fuck something up on the pretence of making it better
i hired new cleaners and they said they were going to make my house clean again but when i got back my dog was dead, my kitchen was on fire and they had taken a shit on my grandmother. they basically went MAGA on my property.
by sadabhand March 5, 2017
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Turning something special in to a miserable, dirty, and hateful place.
Tony came to Avi’s party and maga - everything went south in 5 minutes. The place was wrecked, they lost their lease, and Avi has a court date. Maga!
by LanceHN January 13, 2020
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