Kurt is a finely crafted individual with many tremendous qualities. Perhaps the most noticeable of these qualities is Kurt's moral code, which he cannot deny. Acutely aware of his own ephemeral nature, and bound by his ethics, Kurt attempts to optimize every moment he can in making the world a better place.
Donor A: Yah know, donating blood sure does make me feel good about myself.

Donor B: I know, but we're no Kurts!

both laugh

Donor A: Yeah, gotta love Kurt!
by Mr. Microphone June 18, 2009
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Hot, sexy, amazing lover.
I am so lucky to have a Kurt. He always satisfies.
by Shadrap December 21, 2016
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Cool, nice guy. Tied to the great Kurt Cobain, and is extremely respectable.
You a really are a Kurt.
by Fonethical April 11, 2004
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A super beast guy who has the ability to turn lesbian girls straight in 0.0021 seconds and he also sails which just makes him even more pimp. He also plays the electric triangle which is undeniably sexy.
Girl: I always thought Kurt was a sex god but then I learned that he sailed and I had no choice but to take my pants off.
by asdfasdfasdfsdasdfasd November 5, 2010
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Drop-dead gorgeous. My god!

The name of an irresistible blonde babe so divinely attractive Aphrodite herself must have sculpted him out of pure fucking gold, charm and sex-appeal.
I can't take my eyes off of you Kurt... Can I please just touch you?
by xoncm February 3, 2010
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The sexiest man on the entire planet who own the world's largest penis. A Kurt is a porn star that usually gets paid $300,000 a year because his giant penis is in such high demand

Kurt's usually make Ron Jeremy's penis look like a tiny centipede
" Wow did you see the adult film Kurt was in? He's penis was off screen!"

kim kardashian " Kurt teared me a new ass hole last night!"
by yomoma245678 May 14, 2011
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The common name for porn legend Kang Hurter Kurt Rammer (stage name). Known for his unrelenting charm, charisma and stamina which made most female stars sign exclusivity agreements with his production company; most contracts contained clauses that stated the female performer would only perform with Kurt and/or other females.
by Jackinthebox_admin February 4, 2010
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