The act of a man sexually assaulting other men while in a work place or a bar and declaring that your gay as a cover up for your misbehavior.
Peter: Man, did you see that guy who would dry hump us at the office every day?
Nate: Yeah, what news about him?
Peter: He pulled out a Kevin Spacey.
Nate: So?
Peter: He's gay!
Nate: So what? He's still a pervert!
by Deadmojo January 13, 2018
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When you engage in sexual intercourse with a minor its a kevin spacey.
Phil: what did Jon go to jail for?
Jake: Ah dude he totally Pulled a Kevin Spacey
by BootyJuiceLickinTroll November 12, 2017
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Being popular, or well wanted, but using that said power for deviant sexual acts.
Guy: bro, bro, bro, I was a director of a movie and I made this 14 year old girl blow me if she wanted the part.
An intellectual: Stop Kevin Spaceying bro just hire a hooker.
by BlurryMcFlurry42 November 1, 2017
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The feeling of euphoria and detachment after inhaling some high quality marijuana.
"After the exam, we're all going to get Kevin Spacey."
by Rippsik July 6, 2012
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a term used to describe a person, typically male, that keeps his/her personal life very private and therefore cannot be identified as 'straight' or 'gay’ because he/she exhibits signs of both lifestyles.
1. After the tabloid magazines claimed Kevin Spacey was gay, his protected private life only further convinced everyone that the rumors were true.

2. Max is a total Kevin Spacey; His favorite movie is Die Hard but he shops at the Gap.

3. My brother is always cuddling with that hot chick Ashley, but when I bring it up he rolls his eyes and claims they are best friends.
by M.R. Brandau July 19, 2009
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the act of sending a picture of Kevin Spacey to someone you no longer wish to have contact with; apparently has something to do with a certain movie starring Kevin Spacey
"He wouldn't leave me alone online last night, so I did The Kevin Spacey."
by elliotlewiston June 1, 2004
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I am feeling really Kevin Spacey today.
by SabrinaB September 29, 2007
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