The VP pick for democrat Barack Obama. Since his election to the Senate, he's done more for America's foreign policy than George W. Bush could ever dream of doing. He kicked Sarah Palin's ass in the VP debate, and showed he's not an emotion-less robot when he choked up talking about his family.
by ledzep999 October 7, 2008
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The future 47th Vice President of the United States, Joe Biden is the senior United States Senator from Delaware. Since taking office in 1973, Biden has been the Chairman of the Senate Committee on the Judiciary and the Chairman of the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations, as well as having the distinction of being the fifth-youngest senator in U.S. history.
Joe Biden and Barack Obama give Americans change we can believe in.
by Kire120 August 28, 2008
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1. The United States Vice president-to-be.

2. Correctly pointed out that Sarah Palin is a hot piece of ass.
When the Obama conquers the republicans in upcoming elections Joe Biden will be VP.
by starky September 6, 2008
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the worst so called "president" ever to exist
some liberal- "whos the president?"
me- "sure the hell not joe biden"
by a6a5a4a3a2a1a7a8a9 January 14, 2022
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Mumbling old man that can’t get a single sentence out of his mouth. He also stole the election of 2020 by using voter fraud. Somehow he is the 46th president of the USA. He also has no idea on how to run the country through the mess that we are currently in.
Joe biden is reading off of a teleprompter once again.
by SpartanofSparta84 January 15, 2022
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