When one jerks off into the sink
Brother: "Hey are you done washing your hands yet I need to poop?"
You: "No give me a few more minutes I'm using the jink so you might want to clean it when I leave"
by AndTheDeadWillRise February 8, 2010
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Another term for "Shit" or "Stuff"

Interchangeable with "Jawn"
What's with this random jink on my floor?
by jinkmeister September 7, 2012
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"Jink" is a word used to define people who the user of the word thinks is really stupid.
by vector ftw October 1, 2022
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a word used in place for "dumbfuck" or "dumbass"
That girl said she could beat my ass! What a jink!
by Scribblez January 8, 2008
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A slang word, usually used demeaningly towards a perosn of Japanese descent. Similar to Chink, it is considered a racial insult.
"That bastard called me a Jink today."
by Danty December 30, 2008
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jink, jinkatating, jinking

a word with many definitions. it is a word to describe something that is out of control awesome. something that describes the best event ever. a word to explain only the most pleasurable experiences.
last night me and my girlfriend ad sex. it was jink.

that trick(snowboarding) was jink.

dude that jump was so jink.

Nothing could have been more jinkalating than watching Saved by the Bell last night.
by J.F.M.H January 18, 2006
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"I'm going out for a jink", "I really need and jink", "Don't spill my jink"
by gLace May 6, 2008
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