Fuck boys have plenty of haters, very few real friends and no good references. Ask around about him and prepare to be amazed by all the fuck shit he's done to fuck people over or just did because he didn't give a fuck. If you fuck with him he won't do anything back, except bitch up, but he will talk mad shit afterward. Thats how fuck boys roll, they would never actually engage in a direct confrontation but respect is not in their vocabulary. fuck boys cant hold their fuck boy tongues for shit, it is their biggest weakness. Fuck boys will only pretend they're listening when you talk, but they can't resist talking about themselves or things only they care about and will talk over you if they're not done rambling on about their fuck boy shit. While their actions clearly indicate lower intelligence and overall shallowness, they do serve a purpose. We are still trying to figure out what that purpose is, but nothing exists without a reason. Except fuck boys.
Jerin is a fuckboy
by Avinash Varma February 8, 2018
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Name given to a cunt who is a waste to his community, who loves touching dalbins dick and dreams of sucking on alayans tiny cock
Jerin has a fetish for dick
by Rajesh Chakraborty December 17, 2018
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She’s the hottest bitch alive. Beware.
Damn did you see that girl? Bet her name’s Jerine. Ha!
by Wkwkwkwkwkwkwkwk January 4, 2018
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A person who you cannot differntiate whether male or female
Is that a boy or a girl
Thats a jerine
by Seaman yy May 22, 2017
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a very hot guy and have a 15" dick and a indian
omg look at jerins dick its huge
by jerin December 26, 2007
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A Jerin is a talented basketball player and all girls love him
Omg that jerin is so good.
by JJballer234 August 9, 2016
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a MAN that was a huge cock of 69cm and is always sucking his dogs dick
ohhh JERIN COCK is so good
by Jooper-Nanderson February 16, 2022
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