Is a term used mainly by {stoners} and it means that something is small, or bad. It was thought of when several children light a join that had ink on it. The ink was light and the stoners made the name "Inky"
Oh {shit} i cant believe you took such a small hit. That shit was inky.
by That guy. 1341242112 January 10, 2009
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inky is a slur used against gay men to refer to back when they had ink being thrown at them as an act of homophobia
"jesus hes such an inky"
"bro you cant say that!!!!"
by P3NISWARRIOR June 21, 2021
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Inki A really likable person who everyone can get alone with . Anyone would wanna be her friend.
person 1: Inki is really nice
person 2:She may be popular but they're really nice
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Hey can i borrow an inky to write down this address?
by T high skool June 1, 2009
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I just picked up a fresh eighth, we're gettin' inky tonight!
by Bruce Ilanimous Bob April 12, 2005
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inky is used to describe someone or something that is creepy and or likes to lurk
Paul is a very inky kid.
by Ally and Shelby January 11, 2008
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Someone that does something fishy that makes you suspicious of them; Someone who is acting very suspicious.
Who messed up the principle's office? It might have been Bob because he is looking very inkie right about now.
by Susie Bubbleh May 18, 2005
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