A form of diarrhea that is the consistancy of Iced Tea. No chunks and lighter in color. This occurance usually sounds like you're peeing from the butthole.
Wow, Karen made some fresh Iced Tea in the bowl earlier.
by Sharts August 31, 2007
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n. A drink that Brits find insulting to real tea drinkers. Personally, I enjoy both, but British style a bit moreso.
What the bloody hell are you drinking, Luke? Is that an *gasp* Iced tea?! Ah, now I have to fuck you up, old chap.
by Elbowwalker September 25, 2005
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n. Liquid Crack.
Best enhanced with two Sweet N' Lows and one Equal, artificial sweeteners.
Jake: It's pointless, really- working at an office I mean. There's paperwork, paperwork FOR the paperwork, arbitrary spread sheets, surface level conversations, fluorescent lighting....

Waitress: Do you guys want some more Iced Tea?

Dylan: Yeah

Jake: Sure

Ryan: mmya'
by Office-Drone GX37 July 11, 2008
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A really cute boy that likes you back. You never seen this boy before but your brother is besr friends with him. He also plays soccer on the 05 beadling boys team.
Me: Iced tea is really cute.
Molly: I know beadling boyz are so cute.
by jocelyn_radcliffe June 18, 2019
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A state of being tea bagged followed by ice being put into your ass.
Dude - "Why did you put your balls on his forehead and then ice in his asshole?"

Dude 2 - "Dude, I gave him an Iced Tea."
by Chilled Nuts June 19, 2011
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Drank so much last night. I’ve been spraying ice tea all morning.
by The real golden goose April 1, 2019
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A more modern term for pot used among people who do not like referencing themselves as a smoker
I can not wait until i get my lips on that ice tea
by Nikoso August 10, 2006
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