hey, it will all get better kay? just because u don't see the end doesn't mean there isn't one. talk to someone u trust or someone who u know wont betray u. if u don't have someone, try joining friendly online servers to talk to someone but do be cautious. hug a pillow sometimes if u can't get a hug, it helps a lot. don't hurt yourself, u don't deserve it even if u think u do. u deserve a better time :)
try checking friendly discord servers. ones ik is friendscord

take care, hope u have a better time soon, u matter.

i want to talk to someone too
by It will be better June 4, 2022
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when you are going to punch or hurt someone
Guy to other guy, "nah i just wanna talk to him"
by Zachhyyy Whackeyy November 22, 2014
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The get out of jail free card when your supervisor asks why you were late.

Said when you clearly slept in or more than one occasion but don't want to let anyone know there is a trend developing.
(Supervisor) "Jim! You're 20 minutes late for the start of your shift."
(Jim) "Yeah sorry, I was just talking to (Boss's Name), the CEO of the company."
(Supervisor) "Oh well in that case, no problems"
by OxfordSalty! July 27, 2011
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and dude i talked to kenny last night for 4 hours you so love him now he's just my best friend yeah sure
and dude i talked to kenny last night for 4 hours you so love him now he's just my best friend yeah sure
by and dude i talked to kenny las October 29, 2017
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Come on, she is my best fwend!!!

The bad excuse to talk to your fwend in cass
Come on, I haven't talked to her in like 30 seconds
by VicenaryCave February 28, 2019
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person a: hey do you listen to sweater weather?

person b: nah bitch i listen to talk fast by 5sos
by notarealperson;) April 2, 2021
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Used when making a rant as a sarcastic joke but not really wanting to type the whole thing out.
"Ryan from HSM actually liked Zeke, In this TED talk I will..."
by shakespearean_sonnet April 14, 2021
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