when you smoke weed and u still feel it 24 hours laer
i got 24 hours of power nigger
by angel face October 3, 2004
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Take one shot of beer every minute for an hour. This can be more or less potent depending on what kind of beer you drink. From strongest to weakest, your choices are malt liquor, ice beer, regular beer, and light beer. To make a power hour even better, burn a 60 minute CD with 60 1 minute tracks. Play a different song for every shot you take!
Ilan: I doubt I could last the full hour.
Todd: It depends on what you drink... lightweights can roll with the light beer. If it's not enough get more drizzed later!
by sLs finest 598 October 11, 2003
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Unlike the regular power hour where you take 60 beer shots in one hour. This power hour was brought up with a bunch of hooligans that play rugby. This power hour consists of the nastiest hard liquor and you take one shot between 2.5 and 5 minutes depending on your tolerances. This is not for the faint of heart and will lead many to black out. Player be aware! This task can prove to be Difficult #hooliganrugby
Teammate number 1: wanna do a power hour?

Teammate number 2: that’s a minimum of 12 shots, I can’t do that. I’ll do a regular power hour.
by HooliganHobbes November 18, 2017
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A drinking game that means taking a shot of beer every minute for one hour which, using math, means drinking 5 beers in an hour. Greatly aided by using the program iPowerHour to use music to time the event.
"Dude, let's do a power hour and then hit the Grand - we'll be rollin' SO HARD!"
by Strykrstoppa February 3, 2008
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vigorously masturbating to see how many times you can cum in one hours time
Hey bro's i'm gonna go to my room and power hour.

Oh? Ur gonna take a nap?


Shit! Ur gonna drink 6 beers?


(Door shut)
by Petey North 69 May 13, 2011
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A drinking game (originating in Upstate NY/Capital District area).

Usually played, just prior, to heading out to the bars & clubs (A.K.A. "pre-game drinking" or "pre-gaming").

RULES: using an egg timer, or clock... every participant drinks a completely full shot glass of beer every minute, on the minute... for a complete hour.

This game is used as an easy way to get a quick "buzz"... yet difficult (for some) due to the constant smaller quantities of alcohol, timing, and aeration of the beer.
Person A: "Let's get toasted before we head out to the bars!.
Person B: "Alright!"
Person C: "I think it's time for a Power Hour!"
by meatomatic May 14, 2009
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power hour is the time of day when either the sun rises or the sun sets. It is said that energy is strongest at these times of transition and therefore they are the best times for meditation.
Let's adjust to the time change and meditate an hour later to keep meditating during power hour this week.
by Ch!ara April 26, 2016
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