A tall, assholish poser who puts down people shorter and different than he is, one with a band of suck ups that make him feel so good about himself. Tommy, his right hand man copies whatever Hal does and has no mind of his own, and when he is wrong, doesn't admit to it, Charlie thinks Hal is the coolest guy in the world because he has a mohawk...Charlie also never washes his hair. Hal treats girls nice to their faces but badly behind their backs.
Person 1: Hey, let's go talk to Hal!
Person 2: No, he's a fuck head
by Hellbender April 2, 2005
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A type of person, almost always the butt of every joke in a group setting.
Jake: Do you remember that time someone was impressed something made it onto Urban Dictionary? Anything can be put on Urban Dictionary!

Ali: Haha, yeah bro, such a Hal Thing to do
by To1dYaS0 June 18, 2018
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Hal is the only black computer nerd to venture into various online communities like zfgc and Hidden-Street.
Guy1: Whos the only black person to listen to rap AND type proper english?

Guy2: Hal!

Guy1: Yer damn right
by Dawain J. February 5, 2006
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Acronym for," Hero Arrives Last".
Where is the guest of honour?
by MASTRHATR August 22, 2018
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There was an interesting article on HALS in this month's issue of the New England Journal of Medicine.

When Jerry Lewis retires, we have a deal with the networks to do an annual Labour Day HALS telethon.

More people die from AIDS, but more suffer with HALS.

No more whiskey and Thai food for me. I've got the HALS and it hurts bad.
by D. W. Floyd March 17, 2008
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short for HAL 9000, the killer computer from 2001: A Space Odyssey.
Some Dude: I'm gonna wrtie a better definition, HAL.
Me: I'm afraid I can't let you do that.
by Shawn E. June 24, 2003
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HAL was the computer from 2001: A Space Oddesy and from its sequel, 2010. A fun fact about the movie was that when it was produced, IBM was the only company that sold computers. Microsoft and Apple didn't exist. So, to not make references, the letters in IBM were moved down one letter, creating HAL. HAL was also effective because he didn't have a face, and wasn't doing anything wrong.
Robert: Open the main pod bay doors HAL.
HAL: I'm sorry Robert, I can't do that.
Robert: Damn you, open these doors!
by Fluppy July 6, 2005
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