HTML is a programming language that is used to create and display webpages on web browsers.

You can think of HTML as a webpage's DNA.
I used HTML to code my site.
by Lon July 10, 2006
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Hyper Text Markup language. Describes the structure of a webpage. HTML elements tell the browser HOW to display content.
I used HTML to create my new website.
by ExoSkeletalProgrammer November 19, 2020
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HTML:Hot Teen Mega Lesbians
I love html. That porno with html last nite was great.
by vkp November 25, 2007
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HyperText Markup Language. commonly used as a code for creating web pages.



by Ramiro Gutierrez July 10, 2006
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It is the language of all computers
Computerg33k: This is HTML...

<body bgcolor="red">
<table style="width: 809px; height: 262px;" 1000px="600px"

300px="" border="0" cellpadding="2"

by Computerg33k July 28, 2009
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Horrible Typing Madness Language (html) A computer web language code used to program websites which hasd a high tendency to make you go insane!!!!!!
Oh my FUCKING God!!! This html is facking killing me!!!!!! AAGGGHHHH!!!!
by Anonymous May 16, 2006
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