It is what you are on.
by SyndromeAshking14 February 9, 2015
The ideal body weight of an individual as calculated via a website. The term is meant to be a bit tongue-in-cheek as often when a website says you are overweight you may be quite in proportion, fit and healthy.
by Sambuco July 28, 2012
The title of the most annoying page on Internet Explorer. Formerly known as "This page cannot be displayed".
My sister needs to stop using her computer while I am using mine because when we try to use the internet at the same time, the internet disconnects and I would get a stupid error message that reads "Internet Explorer cannot display the webpage" instead of the page I tried to go to.
by NHRHS2010 March 5, 2011
Longest definition on all of Urban Dictionary.
This definition will break the Urban Dictionary "mug" ad below. It will go off to the sides of the webpage and just pretty much completely break Urban Dictionary. Word max count is 1500, but Urban Dictionary breaks here. Goodbye!
That's a lot of text!
That's a lot of text!
by gaming time December 13, 2021
by Th@t0neG1rl June 3, 2022