The best fucking creature in all of fucking Whoville.


- Grinch Harper
"I had the best of times last night with the Grinch, his dick was so green and hairy."


"I went to the Grinch's house last week. He lives on the tip of Mount Crumpit and has a killer view"
by grinchlover December 3, 2018
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When you come home, and all of your belongings are gone, even the light bulbs.
by mildot December 21, 2014
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Slang word meaning cunt from the How I Met Your Mother episode: How Lily Stole Christmas.
Ted: On Marshall's answering machine Hey, Marshall. Still moping on the couch about Lily? Forget about her. You need to get over that Grinch.
Older Ted: Flashback But I didn't say Grinch. I said a bad word. I said a very, very bad word...
Ted: Oh, fudge.
Older Ted: Flashback But I didn't say fudge.

Ted: She took the decorations? That Grinch!
Older Ted: Flashback That time I really did say Grinch.
by Mike Stark June 10, 2014
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n - A green martial artist responsible for the breaking of Joe Swanson's legs.
Ryan: How come the neighbor from Family Guy can't use his legs?

Mark: Didn't you see that episode in the first season? He tried to stop The Grinch from stealing Christmas from orphans, but ended up getting his ass whooped, and fell off a roof. You don't fuck with The Grinch.
by Urban Dictionarion January 23, 2012
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"Yo, James pulled a grinch right before she left."
by Trofa January 7, 2015
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A mythical creature that lives in a cave on a mountain. This may used as an insult towards someone, if the person is very aggressive and has no good morals or someone who likes to steal other peoples things.
Aidan: Hey Kelsey, why did you steal my shirt and my 10 bucks?

Kelsey: Because I'm a grinch.

Aidan: Yes, you are indeed a grinch.
by oceangang69 October 12, 2014
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A substitute for the word "bitch", typically used in front of elders such as grandparents, parents, etc., as well as young children.
"Dude, your girlfriend is a major grinch. You need to drop her."
by jonahraleigh April 21, 2017
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