Right before you are about to fuck your girl you stand back about 10 feet and unleash the mother of all golden showers resembling the famous McDonald's golden arches.
I drenched my girlfriend with The Golden Arch.
by Knuckle Monkey April 20, 2009
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verb-to golden arch

A sex act where a woman kneels between two men, and the two men proceed to pee simultaneously in the air into the woman's mouth. The men should aim to make the piss parabolas as large and uniform as possible, thus creating a golden arch.
This bitch wanted a golden shower, so me and my bro took her through the drive-thru and gave her the golden arches.
by Ronald "Golden Arches"Mcdonald January 27, 2010
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When a girl's g-string is showing above the top of her pants, for example when she bends over or crouches down low.
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When a human male holds his penis upward and starts to piss, making an arch, yellow in color.
by Qbou3mT January 26, 2015
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when a girl got some tig ol bitties...u call her Mickey D's.
"Yo, that girl had her golden arches all up im my face..she had me craven McDonalds"
by Karen Amber Sims March 24, 2007
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