Ingesting hand sanitizer for it's alcoholic content and intoxicating effects.
"The boys in Mrs. Franklin's class began globbing when the saw it on tv"
by Globbing?! December 24, 2009
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Is the feeling you get in your stomach after you eat it.
by TheCakeIsALie February 15, 2008
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Take live resin and budder mix the two together to make a glob.
by Two Blunt November 18, 2018
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A thing that gets attached im mind so you use it instead of other words.
by Globanator March 18, 2015
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glob is a senseless variant of blog a short more efficient variant of weblog. it has however raised the class level of weblogging to reaches never before achieved.
god wont those losers ever get with the times? blog is like so yesterday. all y'all wish you were as cool as me with my glob.
by bigposerhead February 8, 2005
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